so iphone 13 s are in people’s paws and idon’t know about you but i’m already looking forward to the iphone 14. today we’ve had a reportclaiming that the iphone 14 will be getting a new titanium new layout with some big changes in howthe camera will be laid out on the 2022 iphone i want to share all the details on this andthe iphone 14 pro exhaust appointment and toll. So that’s right chaps there are ready leaksand reports for the next generation iphone now straight away a lot of you are probably sayingthe iphone 13 has just been announced and you’re already talking about the next generation iphone1 4 how could this be if apple have just established the last iphone well believe it or not the iphone1 4 has already been in production in design for the last couple of years for examplethe original first generation ipad was a prototype in the early 2000 s around six or sevenyears before it actually get released after 2009 another good example is with the original ipadair where tim cook an interview after its launch in 2013 said that steve who was referring to assteve occupations was very proud of the ipad air project if you didn’t know sadly steve errands passed awayat the end of 2011. So as “youre seeing” apples are always working on future generation commodities evenif they’re about to launch their latest concoction so lots of ideas and makes are already flyingaround as you can see in this video but let’s go over a couple of reports and then let’s talkabout the iphone 14 pro max release time then be accompanied by a summing-up of the main features weknow so far including the price so a report from john prosser has claimed the new iphone’smain person will be made out of a titanium finish at least for the iphone 14 pro max titanium hasn’tbeen used for an iphone and it’s going to be great to get this care and it implies it’ll probablybe the strongest iphone so far right now though you can pick up an apple watch with a titaniumbottle so apple do know what they’re doing here with this metal material nonetheless what goes alongwith this report is that john process likewise claimed the camera setup on the rear will not sit in aglass module but now will be sitting enclosed in the titanium mas and the lens will not stick outanymore like they have done since the iphone 11 simulates but as all these reports are still earlythis guides me on neatly to say that all reports and discloses are not 100 proof they will come true inthe next generation iphone i is impossible to is presented below what i’ve been told and shown however if youare watching this video then you’re as strange as i am in knowing what is going to be inside thenext iphone anyway whether it will come true or not so then chaps really soon this canal gotover 260 000 subscribers and i announced who the winner was for this brand new ipad pro m1 and docheck out my video on my direct who this ipad pro is going to but the great news is chaps i am doinganother giveaway and it is for this it is for a brand new iphone 13 pro max 128 gigabyte example inthe sierra off-color and i’m going to be giving this away to one lucky subscriber when we get over 300000 customers and just like the last giveaway what i want you guys to do is put down in thecomments below of what apple gear you plan to buy in 2021 or maybe into 2022. Also at the same timemake sure you subscribe to this button smacked that notification bell because when we get over 300000 customers i will be notifying you guys or for who the champion is of this brand new iphone andjust abruptly on that i do want to quickly comment but if you do get a comment to say that you’vewon or something like this before we smack the 300 000 marker it is probably not me it is mostlikely a scammer and the best way you can tell if this is a scam or not is basically open up thatperson’s account by open clicking on their sketch and you’ll be able to see how many subscribersthey got and if they’ve got less than 260 000 customers like at the time i’m making this videohere then mostly you will know they are not me plus too at the same time as well they willprobably have hardly any videos uploaded and too their report will probably be very very new so doignore these emails or these sends from these people or what you can do is at the same time youcan actually report them to youtube but fairly of that like i said over 300 thousand subscribers isthe only experience i’m going to be announcing who the winner is of this iphone 13 pro max and that’s theonly prize i’m gonna be doing between now and then so make sure you subscribe to this channel hitthat notification buzzer also at the same time guys if you’re tendency this video so far please do pressthe like button well let’s get back to the main video so let’s do the liberation time next so basedon everything going well through the end of 2021 into summertime 2022 it is believed that the iphone 14 pro and other iphone 14 prototypes will be out to the end of september 2022. How is it possible to workthis out you may ask well it’s quite simple and it’s quite logistic when you really think aboutit let’s do a quick summing-up of how we’ve got to now by doing a immediate epitome of the last 10 yearsof iphone prototype handout dates so if we go back to the iphone 4s in 2011 this classic iphone came outon october 14 th that time then hop-skip a year to 2012 with the iphone 5 it was september 21 st 2012. thenlet’s bounce a few years ahead of that 2016 where it was the iphone 7 and the 7 plus and the releaseyear for that was september 16 th in 2019 we checked the release of the iphone 10 s on september2 1st and the 10 r on october 26 th and last year for example with the iphone 12 simulates therelease appointments were october 23 rd to november 13 th now principally you can see release dates haveit either been kind of mid-end september to kind of end october if there’s somethingspecial coming out or something a bit different with the main exception of 2021 where it was a bitunusual for the iphone 12 to come out a bit later but this was due to covid so we did have a releaseon all the examples nonetheless this year in 2021 we’re back on schedule with the iphone 13 and that’sbeing released at the end of september with all four frameworks having a date of their handout ofseptember 24 th so for 2022 apple be planning an happening just before this happens however we’ll seeanother affair for other apple produces like that macbooks ipads apple watch airfields and loadsmore other bits and pieces around that time and if you require more info about those productsdo check out my other videos on this canal and make sure you hit the agree button andnotification buzzer to get the latest news on them so let’s do a summing-up of what we know so far forthe iphone 14 pro representations including their premiums so these items may change as they go alongbut right now at the moment the iphone 14 mini is still on the cards but it might be trenched for2 022 but we’ll have to wait and see but for now let’s stick with it so it should be getting a 5.4 inch preceded display with a resolution of 2340 x1080 and this will still be a 60 hertz freshen panelon the small device it’s very similar to the 12 mini and the 13 mini but this time it will comewith 6 gigabytes of ram storage again will start at 128 gigabytes and also give the option of2 56 gigabytes and 512 gigabyte storage options if the chipset inside the iphone 14 will be ana1 6 bionic and this will have four productivity calls and two achievement cores and too have afour core gpu the body will be an aluminium body there’ll be a dual camera setup on the backand the battery sizing will be very similar to what we got right now so 2405 milliamp and alsothe locate sit of this pose at 128 gigabytes will start at 699 us dollars next for the iphone1 4 it will come again in a 6.1 inch led exhibition and it will have a resolution of 2532 by 1170 at the moment reveals are reporting that it’ll have a 60 hertz refresh presentation but you neverknow this might be up to 120 hertz or even 90. There’s also gonna be six gigabytes of raminside this phone and storage will start at 128 gigabytes all the way up to 512 gigabytesas your storage alternatives again it will have that a16 bionic with four economy corestwo conduct cores and a four core gpu again there’ll be an aluminium body dualcamera setup and the 3095 milliamp artillery immensity this cornerstone prototype will be coming in at 799 us dollars for the 128 gigabyte alternative after this we have the iphone 14 pro and againthis is a very similar body to what we’ve got with the iphone 14 ordinary it’ll have a 6.1 incholed display with a resolution of 2532 by 1170 it will likewise get that 120 hertz pro motion displayagain and this time it will have eight gigabytes of ram and storage alternatives from 128 gigabytesall the way to one terabyte there will be an a1 6 bionic chipset inside this as well withfour economy cores two rendition cores but this time it will have a five core gpu theactual frame is sustainable sterile formulate and also there is a triple camera setup on the backwith a lidar sensor again the artillery size is 3095 milliamps and the locate mannequin of the 128 gigabytemodel will start at 999 us dollars then finally we have the iphone 14 pro max this will have a6. 78 inch oled spectacle 2778 by 1280 resolution with that 120 hertz pro motion display again therewill likewise be eight gigabytes of ram in this model and then storage options will be 128 gigabytesall the way up to one terabyte again that a16 bionic will be inside with four productivity corestwo act cores and a 5 core gpu the body will be a stainless steel body and there will bea triple camera setup with a lidar sensor and the actual battery size will be a 4352 milliamp andinside this mannequin if you want to get it at 128 gigabytes it will cost you 1099 usd for the basemodel so as i said before it is very early days so a good deal of the details may change all the wayup to the iphone 14 pro prototypes launch nonetheless remember i’ll be giving you the latest updates themoment i hear them coming in so it’s time to wrap up this video so if you have enjoyed watching itplease do press the like button and at the same time as well if you want to hear the latest applenews the examinations and similarities delight also touched that subscribe button followed by the notificationbell until next time people i’ll told you soon you
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